Today's post is dedicated to my beautiful daughter, Reagan who is just two days away from starting her Freshman year in high school. Honestly, I'm not sure who's more shocked that this is happening already, me or her! I know that there are probably many moms out there facing this same milestone this year. I think I was too busy with two boys under the age of 2 when she started kindergarten to really process the significance of that milestone. Sad; but true, nonetheless. Now, however, this one is charging down the road right at me with no hope of distraction or change. I know that the next milestone is only 4 VERY short years away; but please...don't ask me to think about that one right now. I just cannot do it.
I know she is excited and she is a little nervous too. She's a new kid in a new a big school. 1500 kids. That's a LOT of bodies to be navigating through in a day. I'm not worried about her being the new kid. As a military child, this is her 7th new school...she's a Pro!

So, behold the power of the blog and the written word!
Reagan, as you embark on this new journey in your life, I hope the following things help you a little along the way.
1. Be you...always. You are a kind and beautiful person inside and out. Don't ever let anyone change that.
2. Ask for help. No one knows everything and no one expects you to either.
3. Give help to those in need when and where you can. A simple act of kindness can go a long way.
4. Work hard, read often, ask questions. Develop good study habit now, the work only gets harder
5. Proof read everything. And then...proof read it again!
6. Be aware of the decisions you make. Stay true to who you are. Remember the life lessons you've been taught; and the morals and values we've tried to instill in you. Any choice you make that causes you to sacrifice your character or integrity is never the right one.
7. Don't be afraid to try something new. You may hate it, you may love it; but you will never know if you don't try.
8. You can talk to me about anything, about everything and about nothing at all...always!
9. You are going to succeed. You will have projects, papers, and tests that you will do well on and your teachers will praise you. You will have friendships that are meaningful and may even become life long. You will excel in many areas. Embrace each of these moments and know you've earned these successes.
10.... and you are going to fail. You are going to be unprepared for a pop quiz. You're going to read the wrong chapter in English, or study and study for a math test and still not do well. No one gets through high school without stumbling along the way. What matters is that when these things happen, you don't allow them to define you or to become excuses. Acknowledge your mistake, learn from it and move forward...keep moving forward!
All my love,
1 comment:
Beautiful! Reagan is a lucky girl to have you for a Mum. :-)
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